
The Marwayne Public Library has items to borrow in the following formats:

  • Books (includes Large Print options)
  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Magazines
  • Audiobooks
  • Book + CD kits

DVD loan period is 5 days. All other Marwayne Public Library items have a 3-week loan period.

Items can be renewed up to 2 times, as long as they are not requested elsewhere. Renewals can be made by contacting the library or logging in with your current library barcode and PIN to the TRAC website. Items ordered from other libraries may have different loan periods - we will respect those terms.

This library does not charge overdue fees, but requires payment for lost or damaged items. We are only able to take cash or cheque payments. 

For items belonging to other libraries that are lost or damaged, we are unable to take replacement items. For items belonging to the Marwayne Public Library, please contact us.